Glad that you're talking about this, Punditman. It certainly seems that the brutal repression is creating the opposite effect. I was just watching Glenn Greenwald on the banning of Tik Tok because they blame it for young people opposing Israel.

I certainly go further than you in questioning the 1200 killed by 'Hamas', which forensic sources have put at no more than 115 with no less than 125 killed by the IDF in their Hannibal Directive to kill their own hostages, and their Apache bombing that incinerated the cars in the parking lot at the rave, prevented from leaving by roads blocked by the IDF.

But at this point, all those details are being brought to light, along with the true history of the world wars and the Balfour Declaration. So the terrible things being done to the Palestinians are meaningful in changing the course of this deception, but no less terrible.

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Thanks Tereza. Yes, the IDF was responsible, thanks to their Hannibal Directive, for killing a sizable proportion of the 1200.

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Is there evidence that the 1200 number is factual?

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I'm not sure about the number but here's how Max Blumenthal says the IDF has used Oct. 7, hellfire missiles from Apache helicopters https://www.youtube.com/shorts/tk2kPXJpduM to justify their genocide. And the Hannibal Directive which led to the IDF's airstrikes https://www.youtube.com/shorts/WEyVdHL09vY to prevent prison swaps from occurring.

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Thanks Glen. Yes, I quoted Max on that in my episodes at the time. Also on the Hannibal Directive but I'm glad to have these sources reposted here. I just wondered if anyone had done a deep dive into that 1200 number and how it was reached. With the amount of deception in the stories of rape and beheaded babies, is this number also a fabrication? Does it include Palestinians? I just didn't want to repeat it as if that part was fact without knowing. I thought Scott Ritter had delved into it but didn't remember what he concluded.

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Excellent piece! I agree with everything you’ve said. Have you seen this from the NYTimes yesterday? It’s about how the extremists have taken over in Israel: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/16/magazine/israel-west-bank-settler-violence-impunity.html

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Well done Punditman! Yes, it is very reminiscent of the student uprisings against US imperialist, neo-colonial efforts in Vietnam and Cambodia. Now the sharp point of the US hegemon's spear is killing Palestinians and slow walking military aid to Israel in order to achieve plausible denial of complicity in genocide won't save Genocide Joe from being called the other fascist guy facing off against the Orange Haired fascist in this fall's US presidential election!

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"Truth is Beauty, beauty is truth"-- Keats

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The Grayzone's Aaron Mate and Max Blumenthal have interviewed people who know quite a bit about it. Of course there's the official Israeli story which initially included the false claims about dead babies and rapes. They helped expose those stories as false.

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