Yes, it's strange that the Security Agents didn't do a complete perimeter inspection at least out more than 200 yards (the shooter was at 146 yards). Then the red haired guy said that he and his friends saw the guy with the gun climbing to the top of the roof and they tried to notify the Secret Service, who ignored them. Yet once the first 3 or 4 shots were fired, the Security Service was able to immediately snipe the shooter to death. Either the Security Service was relatively incompetent or they were in on it.

Second, did this 20 year old registered Republican Crooks, this entirely on this own?

Third, Trump will get a sympathy bump before the Republican Convention next week and this may affect Biden's willingness to stay in the race.

We await further evidence but I agree with Chris Hedges when he says "[Americans] only hope is to organize the overthrow of the corporate state that vomited up Trump."


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Well, yeah ... you have to kill the assassin, otherwise, if you get a chance to interview him, all sorts of information gets out that those involved don't want known. A good example is the assassination of Osama Bin Laden ... and, then conveniently dumping his body into the ocean. Nice, neat, and clean. Right? No one seems to remember that Osama Bin Laden and other representatives of Al Qaeda stated immediately after the attacks of September 11, 2001, that they were not involved in this attack. I'm sure Harvey Weinstein and his ilk can give us the full run-down on just exactly what happened on that day ... and, the days, weeks, and months leading up to that FF event. It's not a theory, it's a conspiracy. Most of them are.

What happened to Donald Trump is so full of holes (sorry, no pun intended), from the top down, that the American people would be fools to believe that it was anything other than an inside job. But from whom? That kid was definitely a patsy, for sure. And now the head of the Secret Service is being raked over the coals as was planned all along, not to mention why she, of all people, was given the job of running the "Secret?" Service in the first place. There are street cops who would have been a better choice for running the "Secret?" Service than this woman. Her credentials really aren't that impressive.

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Well said Blaise and thanks for the information!

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Well now we have an apparent second attempt on Trump, two days ago. And this time around they didn't kill the would-be killer. I wonder if that's a clue that he was a lone wolf? It's always interesting to read up on such persons' profiles. This latest guy, Ryan Routh, was obsessed with fighting Russia in Ukraine. I'm sure certain podcasters are already all over that fact alone, but he also seemed to have suffered from delusions of grandeur and held some contradictory, or at least incoherent positions, regarding Trump, Biden, etc. I always feel that we rarely ever get the full story with such high profile cases.

Let's not forget that before his role in the JFK killing, Lee Harvey Oswald tried to kill former U.S. Army general and ultra-conservative anti-communist demogogue named Edwin Walker. According to history.com "In 1962, Walker was charged with “insurrection and seditious conspiracy” (but not convicted) after appearing at the violent protests at the University of Mississippi after the school was forced to admit Black student James Meredith as part of federally mandated desegregation....No one can be sure of Oswald’s motive in the Walker shooting, nor is it clear why Oswald would have first targeted an avowed JFK hater only to kill the same president only months later."

The theory is that such figures have malleable and unstable personalities.

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